Meet the Candidiates: Nick Kalogerakis

District Candidiate: South
Years on Council: N/A
Committees served on: Long Range Planning Committee, Windham economic Committee, Planning Board

Want to Contact Nick?:

Why do you want to be on the town council and why should Windham vote for you? 

Nick Kalogerakis:

I have been serving on Town committees and Boards for the last 4 years, I must say I love helping wherever I can. I am at a point where its time for me to get to the next level of involvement. I think the councilors should represent the constituents wants and needs as a majority and not  “the few”. 

We need to do what the people want, not what I want, a big difference. And If elected that’s what I will do, after sitting on the planning board for the last 3 years I am used to voting for what I have to, not what I want. I want to serve the people and help get this great town continued prosperity.

Whats your thoughts on Growth and Development in Windham, ME?

Nick Kalogerakis:

I think growth is going to continue to happen. What we need to do is react quickly, and we haven’t done so. The growth has happened too fast and our services are struggling to keep up as well as schools. I suggest we add impact fees and limits permits for the short term until we can get final solutions in place.

Whats your thoughts on Infrastructure in Windham?

Nick Kalogerakis:

Windham is behind here and has been for quite some time. Sewer, water and roads. Although we are looking into a satellite sewer system in N Windham, it will be a start but it’s not enough. we need to start thinking about where the next one will be. When it comes to water id like to continue to bring potable water to all parts of Windham. Drilling wells isn’t the answer, especially with our water bodies impaired, how long until the water table is contaminated? With all the ledge in the area, Arsenic is present and needs to be tested for often.

Roads are a concern as well, Brand Rd is a town-owned road and is just starting to get paved? 

Whats your thoughts on Cannabis Legalization in Windham?

Nick Kalogerakis:

The constituents in this town, as well as the state, voted for this, so I fully support this. I think the town needs to put its regulations in place. I was in favor of putting this to a referendum in Windham this November, but as I understand, the Council did not want to. 

Whats your thoughts on a Community Center in Windham?

Nick Kalogerakis:

100% fully behind this. it is even in our Comprehensive Plan. Funding will play a big role though. We need help securing that. We cant overwhelm the taxpayer.

Whats your thoughts on Taxes in Windham?

Nick Kalogerakis:

It seems the past councils have always tried to keep our taxes as low as possible and I will do the same. More importantly, is what are we getting for our current taxes paid? Most of our taxes go to the schools and I think the more critical scope should be looked at here first. The town has a lot to do with the smallest pot. I support the schools don’t get me wrong, but I think we need to look at their spending as well.

Any additional thoughts or things you’d like to say about your campaign?

Nick Kalogerakis:

I think its time we get some new ideas and energy in our Town Council. I will bring a level of professionalism that is greatly needed, and I also have the ability to bring this group together to work well with each other and focus on our greatest goal and that’s the Town and people of Windham. It’s not our own agendas, its the Towns agenda we must hold strong to. I think a counselor needs to understand that what you support doesn’t always pass, and if it doesn’t we move on to the next item.  I ask for your faith in me as a town servant for the last 4 years and to please vote for me in this next election. I will work hard for you and always be prepared! I promise my Ipad will always be charged and ready to go!